As Kondaş Inc our objectives. are:
Producing high quality and affordible price products which can compete with competitors especially on world’s market and according to that implementing the continious Quality Management System which provides “zero defect products to final customer” and committing its continious improvement.
By reducing the cost and increasing profitability; with the intent of meeting the partners’ and workers’ expectations; minimizing production waste, developing market position on international area by improving productivity, investing to develop production facilities and product range matching with the advancing technology requirements .
To achieve our vision:
Without wasting, in the aim of continious improvement of quality and reducing the costs, the usage of the knowledge, experience and capabilities of our whole human resources who are our power of achieving quality products and services
Providing the habit of seing our suppliers as a part of our quality system who are one of the most important elements of procuring and developing our product quality relaibility by close relationship with them.
Providing sustainable improvement of our environmental awareness heretofore.
Developing suggestions to avoid wastes about material, manpower, process, process flow and employee abilities. Discovering waste causes and implementing corrective and pretentative actions.
Every year it has to be aimed a foreseen amount of Cost Reduction.
The mentioned issues above have been determined as Quality Policy of Kodaş Inc.
Kondaş Condenser Inc. promises that improving continiously of environmental performance by time and its application as a coorparate culture in the aim of ensuring the economical and ecological balance in activities of production and sales of low and medium power condensers, medium voltage condenser banks and induction firebox condensers. In order to that by the full support of top management;
· Following the national environment regulations and fulfill the related obligations,
· According to sustainable development principles, protecting the environment through acquisition, production and logistic processes,
·Reducing the most possibile pollutants that may arise from all company activities,
· Raising awareness and educating all company employees, customer suppliers and suppliers in the direction of reducing environmental pollution and protecting the environment,
· To set an example for third parties with our targeted environmental performance is the issue that we emphasize. The environmental policy of our company is open to public inspection.
During the production and sales activities of the low voltage and medium voltage power condensers, medium voltage condenser banks and induction firebox condensers; Kondaş Condenser Inc, from the view that the employees and other related parties are the most basic and valuable element of a company in the aim of creating a healthy and safe work environment and to ensure its continuity, adopts the issues below as health and safety policy and commits the continious improvement of them;
To comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations and other related legal requirements regarding to field of activity.
To adopt it as a fundamental task that not to risk helth and safety of all the employees and related parts by the help of necessary briefings and educations,
To set the systematical risk assessment counteracting culture about the potential hazardous situations and behaviours in all activities,
İTo derive the full support and involvement of interested parties and employees.