


Working Degree: between -40°C and 55°C (-25/D)
Capacitance Tolerance:%-5+10
Working Tensions (Un):between 415-900 V
Working Frequency: 50 – 60 Hz
Connection Type: Triangle (Mono-phase optional)
Max Tension permitted: Check Table 2
Max current Permitted: 1.3 In
Loss factor: 0.5 W/kVAr
Terminals: M6-M8-M10 cable rubber canbe connected.
Protection Class: IP54
Test tension between terminals: 2.15 Un, 2sn
Test Tensions between terminals and body: 3 kV AC,10scnd
Discharge Resistance: Interior mounted: After 180 seconds 75 V
Altitude: 2000m. (above see level)
Filler Material: Vermikülit granül (Anti-Toksik)
Stainless Steel Body: Internal (External Type Optional)
Reference Standard: TS EN 60831-1 / 2, IEC 60831 – 1/2

KONDAS ZnPAS condensers are self-fixer ‘. If there is a short circuit between the electrodes of the condenser element, a very thin metal layer of electrode will evaporate at the short circuit point and the short circuit will disappear. Thus, the condenser continues its function for a long time.
ZnPS condenser units consist of Metallized PP films which renew themselves, shuttle, plastic tubes, polyurethane resin, stainless steel box, terminals, steel top lid, vermiculite filler and discharge resistance.

ZNPP condensers units are used for reactive power compensation in all industrial and commercial facilities. ZnPAS is very suitable for use in heavy industrial plants especially with Harmonic Filter Reactors. (It is in the IP 54 protective class as a one body.) It can be used inside or outside the panels.

In these condensers; dielectric is very low loss PP film, and the electrode is a metallized layer which is coated very thin on one side of the film in a vacuum environment. The described “metallized film” is wrapped in two layers in a cylindrical form and is called the “condenser element”. Conductors placed between the terminals and the winding is soldered and the metal is sprayed on the two circular faces of this cylindrical shape. The obtained single-phase capacitor elements vacuum dried and impregnated with high-purity gas. Later, the condenser element is cut off with air by covering with polyurethane resin which is completely natural and not harmful to health, and has a high level of isolation within the plastic tubing. These elements are connected to each other as triangles and they are made into three-phase units or they are made mono-phase units and placed into steel tubes and sealed not to be opened again.

Products outside the temperature, frequency, capacity and temperature values stated in the table may be within our scope of production to a large extent, please specify your request.

All materials used by KONDAS are non-toxic and environment-friendly goods.
The standard dimensions of ZnPAS condensers are shown in Table 5-11.

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