Reactive Power Control Relay
The VARCON three-phase reactive power control relay series are designed to meet all the requirements needed in compensation systems. VARCON 18K series’ contact model, VARKON 18TSC thyristored model, VArKON 18 H’s 12 stages are contact and 6 stages are thyristored. For VARCON-H medium voltage compensation, VARCON 15TCR is the new generation TCR / SVC relay.
VARCON series reactive power control relays are monophasic and triple condensers and reactors can be connected; smart intervention algorithms canbe applied to the system with intelligent retrieval times to make the best compensation. They are the relays which capacitive or inductive target can be entered. The rich analyzer feature offers privileges such as minimum curbing current starting at 5mA, automatic correction of connection errors with polarities. It monitors the system requirements and recommends capacitors and reactors, and provides advantages to learn and follow the stages quickly and in a healthy way.
The VARCON series provide unique comfort with reactive power control relays, large graphical display, carefully crafted user-friendly menus and measurement screens. It has easy menus that you don’t need to use manual. It has Modbus-RTU communication systems as an option. All parameters of the relay, settings, system analysis and controls can be done remotely via PC. The VARKON EA series network analyzers are designed to measure, track and record the parameters required in electrical networks. Also VARKON EA series network analyzers; Communications, contacts with advanced alarms, pulse outputs, real time data recording, and more.
As a standars all models of the series:
It takes 256 samples in a period; It makes good quality measurement in 0.2% accuracy class; It measures current and power from 5mA. In addition, current, voltage and phase voltage harmonics (singles, doubles, sums) measurement up to 63 harmonics are standard in all models of series.
Analysis of electrical network parameters.
Excessive, low and window alarms to parameters.
All systems whose energy indexes were taken.
Systems that require harmonic measurement.
Analysis in compensation systems.
To keep network statistics.
Communicative network systems
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