
Thyristor Compensation Switching Modules (TSC-TCR)

VarKON is designed to be used as a switching element in reactive power compensation systems where the reactive power requirement changes very quickly and current-voltage fluctuations are not desired. VARKON’s microprocessor-based control module switches the voltage at the full zero crossing point to prevent fluctuations, so it removes the problems that may arise from the switching of reactive power compensation of installations where there are sensitive devices such as CNC / PLC and computers. VarKon provides an efficient solution for the machines whose reactive power compensation of load vary quickly and over a wide range , such as varon, spot welding machines, cranes and arc furnaces.Due to its switching capability in less than 20 ms, it is more effective where traditional reactive power compensation systems’ performance is not enough.



Thyristor compensated contactors have the following advantages over electromechanical contactors.

It works more efficiently than the contactor applications during quick load changes

At the zero crossing point,

The switching feature, which prevents transient regime current-voltage fluctuations,

Very fast (<20ms) response time,

Quiet operation,

Unlimited opening / closing number,

Long life,

Circuit elements are more durable (condenser, reactor)

Works with any kind of relay, PLC or PC.


3P2 (3 Phase 2 Thyristor)

It is used for switching standard condensers connected to 3-phase triangular. It works with a single control signal.

3P3 (3 Phase 3 Thyristor)

It is used in triangular connection with 3 phase 6-lead capacitors. It works with a single control signal.

3P3.R (3 Phase Thyristor)

It is used in the switching of 3 phase shunt reactors. It works with a single control signal.

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